Company Profile
Interskill Learning develops and supports the global IBM Power Systems and Mainframe Computing Industry’s only comprehensive curriculum of self-paced e-learning!
Our learning designs are informed by contemporary learning theory and are interactive, contextualized and responsive to diverse learning styles. We believe in immersing learners in relevant authentic activities designed to motivate, engage, and produce quantifiable change.
Since 1991, across a global client base of over 1,500 companies, we have proven our expertise at developing and delivering training solutions that form the backbone of our clients' employee training on these mission critical systems.
For over 25 years, the Interskill name has been a recognized leader in technology based training for the IBM Power Systems and Z mainframe computing industry.
Development of an MVS Console Simulator begins in Melbourne Australia.
Later addition of Computer Based Training (CBT) courses on MVS, JCL, JES2 and TSO/ISPF made our first commercial product.
EMEA office opens in Manchester, UK based on interest from a number of major European Banks
⚬ Expansion of Mainframe Systems curriculum
⚬ Mainframe Application Development Programming Curriculum added
⚬ VSE Curriculum added
Americas office opens in Orange County, CA based on interest from US Mainframe Organizations and Mainframe User Groups
⚬ Expansion of existing Mainframe curriculum
⚬ AS400 Curriculum added
Headquarters office opens in Alpharetta Georgia
100 Mainframe CBT Courses Available
Y2K concerns drives significant investment in IBM Power Systems Training globally.
140 Mainframe CBT Courses available!
Web Deployed, Mainframe eLearning Curriculum launched worldwide!
⚬ 150 Mainframe eLearning Courses available
Rebranded as Ajilon Learning, part of the Adecco group of companies
⚬ 170 Mainframe eLearning Courses available
⚬ Mainframe Skills Assessments added
Returned to the Interskill Learning name as a privately owned Corporation.
Named a CA Training Partner.
⚬ 180 Mainframe eLearning Courses available
Key Speaker on the topic of “Mainframe Workforce Education” at the esteemed Enterprise Computing Community Conference sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
Web-based “MyInterskill” Learning Management System launched.
⚬ 190 Mainframe eLearning Courses available
⚬ Innovative Mainframe Coaching and Mentoring Toolbox product added
Passed the 1 Million Mainframers Trained milestone! Named an IBM Training Partner via the Arrow Global Training Alliance.
⚬ 200 Mainframe eLearning Courses available
IBM recognizes Interskill’s IBM Power Systems Training pedigree & offers 30, IBM Credentialed, z Mainframe ‘Badges’ for Interskill course curricula completions, creating a new benchmark for z Systems Mainframe Knowledge and Skills in the global Mainframe Computing Industry!
With 260,000 hours of IBM Z IBM Power Systems Training delivered over the previous 12 months, Interskill’s elearning is now the world’s MOST delivered Z IBM Power Systems Training!
⚬ 220 Mainframe elearning courses available
Interskill releases two innovative new mainframe workforce training components: ⚬ IBM Power Systems Training Sandbox Exercises that run on your own mainframe
⚬ Mainframe Coaching and Mentoring Toolbox to create in-house Bootcamps
⚬ Interskill COO, Darren Surch named an IBM Champion.