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Importance of IBM Badges to Mainframe Professionals

These IBM credentialed, z Systems Mainframe Badges are a recognized, respected and valued benchmark for z Systems Mainframe Knowledge and Skills in the global Mainframe Computing Industry!

Let me say it again: These are official IBM Credentials! In the Mainframe Computing Industry, it doesn’t get any more important or valuable than this!

As a Mainframe Professional, this is finally your chance to be recognized by your Organization, by your Peers, and by the Industry as a whole, for your Mainframe Skills and Knowledge! It is also your chance to stand out from your Peers in an industry that is currently searching for its best and its brightest!

This is the new human capital currency!

  • Next time a Promotion opens up; do you want to be the one with the industry recognized IBM credentials or the one without?

  • Next time your executives are deciding who should lead the new, big Project; do you want to be the one with the industry recognized IBM credentials or the one without?

  • Next time you want to justify a pay raise request; do you want to be the one with the industry recognized IBM credentials or the one without?